While rain is beautiful and good for the Earth, monsoon season can be frustrating. Not only are you kept inside all day due to the storms, but they also can cause your skin to break out! Not to worry, we have some proven tips and tricks for dealing with it. Here’s what you need to do to get rid of acne during the monsoon.
Understand the Causes of Acne During Monsoon
There are two big reasons monsoon acne can be so bad. The first is that the humidity, combined with sweat, leaves your face oily and sticky. That means that any dust or debris that’s in the air can stick to your face and get into your pores, which causes acne.
The other reason is that humidity comes with heat, and heat makes you sweat. Not only does sweating clog your pores, but it also dehydrates you. Your skin needs plenty of water to stay glowing and clear, so when you lose it to sweat, it makes you break out.
Regular – But Gentle! – Cleansing
Since acne in monsoon season is caused by sweat and dirt clogging your pores, the first step for any skin type is to clear them. You should wash your face in the morning and evening to clear away everything your face comes into contact with regularly.
When washing, it is equally important to use a gentle cleanser. You want to get rid of excess oil and debris, but not strip your skin of its natural, hydrating oils. The idea that stronger cleansers are more effective for getting rid of acne is a skincare myth, and overdoing it can make you break out even more.
Exfoliating is one of the best things you can do for your skin. Acne-causing bacteria love dead skin cells, so getting rid of them by exfoliating is key to clearing up your complexion. Plus, it will make all of your other skincare products penetrate more deeply and work more effectively.
If you’re using an abrasive physical cleanser, you only have to use it 1-2 times per week. Be sure to do it after cleansing. You want to clear dirt and dead skin away, not grind it deeper into your pores! If you use a gentler chemical exfoliant, you can use it more frequently. Check with the product’s directions or a skincare professional if you’re not sure how often to use yours.
Read More 9 Natural and Effective Home Remedies for Acne
Use A Face Mask
Masks do so much good for the face. They’re hydrating, brightening, cleansing, and calming. Using an exfoliant on your skin when you already have acne breakouts can sometimes irritate, but a great face mask will help bring that redness down while also reducing the pimples themselves.
Clay face masks are usually ideal since they’re thick and cool. But everyone’s skin type is different, so whatever mask makes your skin feel best is the right one to use for you! You can even make a face mask at home in a pinch.
This is the most counterintuitive step for getting rid of acne during monsoon season, but it’s also among the most important. You have to moisturize your face after cleansing it. Cleansing and exfoliating your skin can have drying effects, and your skin has to be hydrated. If you don’t give it moisture in a healthy, clean way, it will overproduce oils again to make up the difference.
Your moisturizer doesn’t have to be as thick as the one you use during dry winters. After all, you don’t want to attract dirt to your skin after you’ve just washed it! A product that’s light but effective in rebalancing your skin after washing it should be fine.

Stay Hydrated and Eat Clean Food
Water may be surrounding you in the air during monsoon season, but that doesn’t mean it’s getting into you. It’s much more essential to keep your skin hydrated on the inside than it is on the outside if you want it to remain healthy. So always be sure to have water on hand and drink whenever you feel thirsty for long-lasting, clear skin.
There is a study found that what you eat affects your body too. Grains, sugars, alcohols, and sometimes dairy have been known to cause breakouts, while clean foods like poultry, fruits, and vegetables will keep your complexion clear. There aren’t definitive studies to either back this up or negate it, but keeping a healthy diet leads to a healthy body, which usually means clearer skin.
Be Picky With Your Makeup
Don’t get caught in the trap of making your acne worse with the makeup you use to hide your acne. When you put products directly on your face, you want to know that they’re high quality and non-irritating, especially when they might get drawn into your pores due to monsoon season.
This isn’t to say that you should never wear any makeup. But, to keep your skin clear, you should opt for simple makeup styles, and only use clean cosmetics from trustworthy brands. Especially if you want to cover up your pimples, make sure that you’re not putting anything filled with oil or other ingredients on inflamed skin.
Relax and Get Enough Sleepf
Acne is annoying, but if you’re kept up at night stressing about it, you’ll make it worse. Your skin’s oil production is directly tied to your level of stress. That means taking time to relax, even if you’re not using any spa-like skin products, is extremely helpful for your complexion.
Be sure to get a healthy amount of sleep. This is one of the healthiest and most appealing lifestyle improvements you can make. It reduces stress and helps your body heal, so getting enough sleep is key to clearing your monsoon acne.
Breaking out for any reason is never fun. And monsoon season can easily make your pimples worse. But with these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to keep your complexion healthy and clear during the rainy season and any other time of year!
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