Nowadays everyone wants to look good everything should be perfect in shape and size. Now there is a trend of getting bigger lips but with some surgery. But without any lip injections and just some products, you can find in your kitchen, here we will show you how you can get bigger plum and soft pink lips, and it’s super effective.
Ingredients Needed for Natural Plum and Pink Lips Instantly
1. Olive oil or Coconut oil
2. Cinnamon
3. Cotton Swabs
4. Napkin
5. Lip Gloss
Does Olive Oil Help in Getting Big Lips
Yes olive oil do help in getting bigger lips. You need to use it with the combination of cinnamon, coconut oil or a Vaseline. You can know the procedure below.
If you don’t want to use the oil you can always use petroleum jelly but I personally will prefer the oil. So let’s begin with this lip plumping process. I’m terrified of needles or lip injections, injecting anything into my face and this is going to be such a great alternative and it’s so much safer.
So we’re going to start off by cleaning our lips you can exfoliate if you want with a toothbrush, it’s optional. I usually wipe mine clean then using olive oil and our star ingredient cinnamon, this is really going to create blood flow to our lips, it’s going to make them plump up and tingle and swell a little bit which is totally normal.
It’ll give the effect that we want. So taking two small bowls you can use anything you have add about 1 tablespoon of olive oil, remember you can use coconut oil, you can use a spoonful of Vaseline, whatever you prefer. Then I’m going to take about half a spoon of cinnamon and pour that into my little mixture.
All right so our lip plumping mixture should look like some thick reddish-brown paste. It’s a really dark consistency. Then you’re going to take a q-tip (Cotton Swabs) and a napkin, because it might get a little bit messy and you want to soak that q-tip (Cotton Swabs) into the mixture, then apply it to your lips like a lip gloss.
Now you’re going to add about 2 or 3 layers one after the other, in between you should wait for about a min and then go for the next round. I’m even going to drip the paste or the mixture over my lips, it just really adds a stronger effect and makes them so much plumper.
So once you add that layer you want it to sit for about 2 minutes. All right so after 1 or 2 min goes by you’re going to notice the mixture really soaking into your lips.
Dried Cinnamon Powder for Pink and Plum Lips
Now you have to take a little bit more cinnamon now, this will be dry so you want to place it in a separate cup or bowl and take the other end of the q-tip, and pick up some of that dried cinnamon and dab it on top of your lips.
This is really going to create that extra plump effect on your lips. So if you feel tingling or anything don’t worry it just means that it’s working. Wait for after another minute or two goes by you’re going to really notice the mixture drying out. And after that, it’s time to take a wet paper towel and just make sure you get all the extra oil and cinnamon off.
It might be hard to get all the little cinnamon specks which are fine, do the best you can. And now you can see it what difference this will make to your lips, they will start looking much plumper and pink too.
Using Lip Gloss for Thicker Plummer lips
The third step is optional you can just add a little plumping lip gloss that has methanol or peppermint. I will recommend you use the lip gloss which you have been using it or you can get this from Amazon (L.A. Colors High Shine Shea Butter Lip Gloss, Clear) and you can add that on top.
It is going to burn and tingle a bit but that’s only if you want. This is an added step or more of the result it’s totally optional. Alright, guys so that all on how to get plump pink lips naturally at home I hope you guys liked it. I hope it works for you I am sure it will definitely work for you, but you leave me a comment below how your results were.
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